Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Last Post In 2008,
2008 gonna end.
It is damn sad mannnnn.
2008 wasnt got a good ending.
This is what im thinking.
Btw,me sakit kerongkong lar.
Sad nia.
Luckily belum hilang voice.
As overall,2008 got lot of my nice memory.
Not really want it to end.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas. =]
*Santa santa santa!!!*
I want presentss!
Im gonna be a good kid. smirk*
Im gonna wait for Santa! excited*
Im gonna alone. cry*
No plan today.
Mum is trying to save money! evil*
Merry Christmas everyone!
And,if you saw Santa..
Remember to call him come to my house!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
1. Yusien
2. Jiayi
3. Leexiang
4. Sherry
5. Shelvone
6. Jinyin
7. Joey
8. Vivian
9. Eeteng
How you know 1?
Through band.
What would you do if 3&4 dated you?
Ar... hang out will be better. =]
Would 5&6 make a good couple?
Wont.they got their precious one already.
Do you think 7 is attractive?
Yup.she is. =P
Do you know anything about 8's family? is sad to mention.haha.
Tell me something about 9.
Erm..a person who think too much.currently in love.
What language does 2 speaks?
Monster languague.hahaa.
Who is 3 going out with?
Charmaine,Shuehyin them.
How old is 4?
Who is 6's favourite singer?
Erm...seriously...i dont know.
Would you date 7?
What is 9's last name?
Would you consider being in a relationship with 1?
Ar..papa and zaizai will be better. =]
Which school does 2 goes to?
What do you like about 3?
She is cute,hyperactive.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
My eyes almost close already..
Im soo sleepy now ..yawn*
Band practice as usual.
Im dehydrated.
I need water man!!
Went Redbox.
We siao-ing like a maniac.
Shouting,sreaming like mad.
This is the yeng-est party.
But Yihan seem so...
Finish at five something.
Im damn tired.
But still cant stop singing since i back from Gurney.
Finally gave the book to Valen.
But i forgot lollipop.
Haha..sorry lar.
Next time. =]
Monday, December 22, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Flutists Gone Wild
Keep on shout at each other.
p.s: Puiying the noisier.
haha.she is. smirk*
Puiying so bian tai now..
Jiamei went to Thailand.
Didnt come for practice already.
I still love you man!
Dont sad lar..
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Training camp
Map walking as usual.
I worried that i cant wake.
But,end up with awake at 6o'clock.
==''' late too.
Stepping. lol.
Section at 7:30.
Play a sweat game. it is really sweat enough*
I call Amanda "pak cik".
But everyone seem blur-ing.
p.s:i din really remember the Hamala bla bla mia.
So,"pak cik" will be okay.
Im working alone.
Sad enough.
Jumin and Shih Yih din come.
So grab those small quartermasters to help me.
And Jocelyn for volunteer. lol
Thanks all.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Must wake up early.
I really scared that i cant wake.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Tagged ambition now.
2. Who is more important to you ?
3. How often do you think of committing suicide ?
erm..last time.few years ago.
4. Do you think you have enough confidence ?
5. How many babies you want ?
1 girl.
6. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain ?
yup.sure will.
7. What is your goal for this year ?
pass PMR with flying colors .As!
8. Do you believe in eternity love ?
erm.perhaps got.
9. What's a perfect girlfriend/boyfriend like to you ? (List 10)
love me; treat me well; care me; intelligent; good looking; knows piano.haha.
10. List 5 characteristic of your best friend .
caring, pretty, helpful, a good listener, cute. :)
11. What is your bad habit ?
lazy. ==
12. What's your opinion with Distance relationship ? comment.
13. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours ?
yes, i do .
14. What does flying means to you ?
15. What do you crave for the most recently ?
Twilight saga. =P
16. Are you single/relationship ?
17. Do you have someone in your mind ?
18. Describe the person who tagged you .
19. What will you become in another 10 years to come ?
no idea.
20. What you want to tell your love one in the future ?
Tagged : I'm not going tagged anyone =)
Instructions : Remove one question from above and add in your personal question .
Make a total of 20 questions and tag 5 people .
List them out at the end of the post .
Notify them in their cbox that they've been tagged .
Whoever does the tag will have blessings .
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Special dishes..
Monday, December 8, 2008
Two days.
Miss me? smirk*
The waitress at the restaurant were performing the lauk more than menghidang. Performing.
They took the plates then walk here and there like formation.
My aunt was going to Pahang.
Miss her loads.
She said she will only balik at New Year.
So sad.
My special drink - Batu drink.
Is only for Valen - Who is very kongxu.
Sweat case.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
不小心回到那一天 不小心一切又重演
你如此完美的一切 竟会出现在我的世界
你说话不爱说第二遍 但偏在情人节那一夜
给我你心爱的项链 说了三次对我的爱恋
我那时糊涂 不明白为何你会哭
后知后觉以后 领悟
冻结那时间 冻结初遇那一天
冻结那爱恋 冻结吻你那瞬间
你的项链 在我身边 带我穿梭回从前
冻结那空间 冻结有你的世界
冻结那画面 冻结不让它溶解
我若是疲倦你的项链 在我身边 发光在我胸前
你的项链 在我身边 陪伴著我过每一天
From JJ's first album.
If everything can freeze at the moment that i wish..
Good huh?
Monday, December 1, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Anyone miss me?
Haha. =]
I went to Balik Pulau for one day.
Yesterday got somebody (i dunno who).
He die at the pantai that not far from my grandpa's house.
Oh my god.
He die cause of..
Erm.. ditarik oleh ombak.
And swimming at rainy day.I guess?
Rest in peace.
Today,i went Queensbay.
For? Edward.
Aha.Ya, for Twilight.
I watch ady.
Quite okay lar,but not as amazing as the book.
My friend say is my imagination too yeng already*
Aha.I know.
Amanda is pak cik!!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Running nose
And now sneeze again.
Im holding tisueses even when im having lunch.
It is super duper teribble.
I will get demam soon.
Im now imagining when i demam,
How my mum ganna nag me.
"Ady told you lar..
Dont sleep soo late..
Dont watch Midnight Tv show..
Blah blah blah..
Now demam lar..
See you dare to sleep soo late again?"
I dare.
If no, you still got chance to nag me?haha.
Oh my god.
It is really...
And im not ganna onine soo late d.
Im soo guai. it only occur when i will sick*
Tonight's VampireG gathering i wont go d. i mean plurk*
Im ganna perli by Valen again.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
Hope she will enjoy herself.
Rui is bullying me..
He is sooo evil.
But never mind..
Im evil than him.
(Form 5 liao still soo wu liao)
"Nice" word.
Thanks Rui..
Im ganna use this word to replace the "word".
From now on..
I like Jane Zhang Liang Ying's New endless love.
It is soo nice.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
She is really..
I dont want to mention about the dont-know-who.
Forgive my rudeness.
I dont mean for being so rude and scold the dont-know-who.
I know there is no more"but"..
But but..i really didnt mean to.
Actually, who am i apology to?
I also dont know.
But i felt sorry to myself. =)
For being so rude.
Thats all for today.
TTFN=Tata For Now
(I learn from Sylern Kan) smirk*
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Tagged by Shelvone
Instructions:Remove 1 question from below and add in a personal question, make it a total of 19 questions. Then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post.Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged.
1. What is it that bothers you the most? friends in this world that know me a lot.
2. What is your most favourite thing to do?
3. What kind of news do you read?
entertaiment.sometime read politics.ahaha.
4. What is your ultimate wish?
ahaa.i wont tell you.
5. Is there someone in your heart right now?
if i say yes?Yes.
6. Do you believe you can survive without money?
ar..if money is not exist in this world,thn okay.=)
7. Are you afraid of pain ?
8. Are you in a relationship now?
9. If there's someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
No.I wont confess.
10. Would you let your blog die?
ar..not really will.
11.What is your 5 most passionate thing at this moment?
ar...dont know.kakaz.
12.What is the thing that will make you think he/she is bad?
ar..ignoring me.
13. If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
ice cream.
14. If you had a choice to be rich or happy, which one would you pick?
can i have both of them?
15. If you have a chance, which part of your character you would like to change? not fierce enough?aha.
16. If you have chance to change something in your life..that would be?
nothing.i guess?
17. What is the one thing you love about yourself?
can it be all?i like myself.
18. If you can bring only one thing along with you to another world, what would it be?
Twilight saga!
19. Most terrifying moment.
When i felt that anything in this world is meaningless.
20. I'm tagging
1.) Lee Xiang
5.)Amanda Ng
6.)Ee Teng
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
I miss her soo soo much.
Imagine i have nice fringe like Vee?
Im not suitable to have fringe.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Dont regret after that.
Because it is useless.
Dont simply choose one just because scare disapoint either one of them.
Choose what you like kay?
Thats all that i can help.
I wont help you to choose.
You choose it yourself.
Because im evil.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
我还想她 - 林俊杰
究竟是谁放掉 这段感情
请告诉她 我不爱她
笑着难过 自我惩罚
别告诉她 我还想她
就让沉默 代替所有回答
请告诉她 我不爱她
笑着难过 自我惩罚
别告诉她 我还想她
就让沉默 代替所有回答
我不爱 我不痛 我不懂
请告诉她 我不爱她
笑着难过 自我惩罚
别告诉她 我还想她
就让沉默 代替所有回答
别告诉她 我还想她
就让沉默 代替所有回答
take from JJ's new album - Sixologi.
I like this song.
I like this phase of words.
Sad lyric.
And Mv also.
At last, JJ die in the Mv.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Last Day...
Soooo fast.
I can still remember things that happened in first day of my form 2 life.
Everything just happen in a blink of eye.
Form5 ganna graduate.
Form4 ganna be in Form5.
Form2 ganna be Form3.
That means no more childish in Form3.
Must concerntrate more in studies for PMR.
Who cares?
I still soo wu liao right?
K2A, My memories.
Warm like k1d.
Siao like k1d.
Last day before holidays..
We keep huging each other.
I hug lots of people.. smirk*
We will miss you...Shuehyin!!
Wish you all the best and goodluck in Australia.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
I miss school life... is damn boring at home.
I miss school life soo soo much..
Ganna appreciate days that only left.
Before being Form Three.
But seriously..
I really like Form Two.
I really dont know what should do at home lar..
Read the book that Huili lend me..
Haiz..that is soo soo boring..
I miss school lifeee..
Saturday, November 8, 2008
The Clue Collector..

Friday, November 7, 2008
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to chrystal,
Happy birthday to you!
see?i soo got your sim..
I sing birthday song for you eh..
Faster say thank you...=P
Pointless question.
Pointless answer.
Pointless people.
Pointless solving method.
Pointless meeting too.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Purest Of Pain(Puro dolor)
I guess I was weak, couldn't even hide it
and so I surrendered, just to hear your voice.
Don't know how many times I said I'm gonna live without you,
and maybe someone else is standing there beside you,
but there's something, baby you need to know.
That deep inside me, I feel like I'm dying. I have to see you,
it's all that I'm asking.
Vida, give me back my fantasy. The courage that I need to live,
the air that I breathe.
Cariño mio, my world's become so empty. The days are so cold and lonely
and each night I taste the purest of pain.
Quisiera decirte que hoy estoy de maravilla
que no me ha afectado lo de tu partida
pero con un dedo no se tapa el sol.
Estoy muriendo, muriendo por verte. Agonizando, muy lento y muy fuerte.
Vida, devuelveme mis fantasias, mis ganas de vivir la vida, devuelveme el aire.
Cariño mio, sin tin yo me siento vacio, las tardes son un laberinto, las
me saben, a puro dolor.
Vida, give me back my fantasy. The courage that I need to live,
the air that I breathe.
Cariño mio, my world's become so empty. The days are so cold and lonely
and each night I taste the purest of pain.
I'm sorry I didn't mean to call you but I couldn't fight it.
I guess I was weak, couldn't even hide it
and so I surrendered just to hear your voice.
I like this song.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
The most most most scary's thing was finally passed!!!thing?ahaha*
Okay."exam" is more suitable.
Now.busy planning something to do after this exam.
Im ganna buy New moon! cool!but no money yet =(*
Im ganna online whole day. wahaha.will going to lancarkan at monday=P*
Im ganna shopping with my mum! ahahaaa*
Im ganna burn disc for my friend. see?i help her soo kind*smirk*
Im ganna rub off all the stupid syeikhs syeds in my mind. Go off*
Im ganna watch those movie that i havent watch. ahaha*
Im start imagine my life without those stupid syeikh syed!smirk*
And form4 add oil!
Form5 also!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Im still here.
Sad lo.
Cant concentrated at all.
Im sooo love JJ!!
Muahahahaa... =P
JJ ganna release his new album.
At 18 November.
The sixth album which name "Sixologi".
So far...
I only heard his three songs only.
1. Sixologi (as i know, this is not a song)
2.Bu chao bu yong hua qian (rock!!)
3.Xiao jiu wo (duet with Ah sa..super duper sweet~~)
4.Hei wu shi (really niceee!)
5.Zui chi bi (beautiful lyric, beautiful song, beautiful mv,nice voice!thumbs up)
6.You ni xuan zhe (mix with some cantonise rap)
7.Always online (nicee!)
8.Jie dao (this song is hot!)
9.Zhu jue (yengg!)
10.Wo hai xiang ta (nice song sad mv)
11.Dian yi ba huo ju (nicee)
12.Qi dai ai (duet with Jinsha.. ~sweet~)
13.Cries in a distance (chinese version is always online)
14.Ai yu xi wang (for shi chuan's victims)
Im freaking love him..
He is sooo cute with his new haircut!!
Im free!!
Hate Kh.
Those jahitan, paip...
Aiyo...pengsan dibuatnya..
Friday, October 31, 2008
Im half free-ing..
But just for today. now updating my blog..
Im soo soo PUAS HATI..
Okay.that's sweat.
By the way.
Happy Halloween!!!!
Anyone got candies??
For me?
Monday, October 27, 2008
I miss the she conduct.
I miss the time she announce something.
I miss the time she soo zilian.
I miss the time she kacau me.
I miss the time she teach me.
To our dearest conductor - Goh Yun Tyn
I miss the time she actually wrong but act like..ermm not.
I miss the time she act cool. (she is not,kay?)
I miss the she say"今天的练习..."
I miss the time she argue something.. (really funny)
To our president - Kang Yilin
I miss the time she call me budak. (yo,budak!)
I miss the time she lead us in padang.
I miss the time we siao siao-ing.
To our drum major - Jesmine Lim
I miss the time all flutist play flute together.
I miss the time we all siao-ing.
To my flute leader - Ooi Shu Khoon.
I am really regret.
Why im not siao-ing with you in this year??
We just rapat after more than half year. modern wan okay?!
Why call me GUAIGU wor..
To my grandchild - Yong Qi
I miss the time we combine.
I miss the time we blow "Pirates".
The time they announce.."pancaragam ganna perform another song.."
Nobody were waiting for our performance..
But the time when we start..
Everybody were staring at us.
They were
I miss the time we are at padang.
I miss the first time we blow "New world".
In padang.Formation.
My first formation.
People at class..
They shout..
Everybody in hall were really high..
They stand up.
They shout.
The lastest song with Form 5.
After that we ganna say bye.
Yuntyn..she's super duper amazing..
I like her soo soo much.
Cry together.
Siao together.
Smile together.
Berusaha together.
In blink of eye,
All ganna be history.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
I hate you
I'm really tired to hating people.
But in your eye..
I saw you hate me..
I saw you suspect my ability.I'm not sensative okay?!*
"Ascuse me" is a word that so hard to say?
"Go away" is easier?
Is it you really dont means to treat me as a junior?
Only _ _ in your heart.
Is it you have special relationship with her?
Always said..
_ _can help ar?
Must call _ _to help you ar..
Hey please..
Did your eye saw her at that day in music room?
I hate you!
Even everybody are suspect my ability..
I thought you will say no.
Even everybody think that im not suitable(so do i)..
I thought you will say no.
Even everybody think im not serious..
I thought you will say no. now dreaming huh?
You are the people who say no to me.
You rather trust a person who din do anything.
You rather open your wide eye to trust nonsense.
And i..
Still acting so dont care.
Then crying in the night.
Every time when you coming..
I must being sooo soo failure?
You already being the person in my heart.
So unforgivable.
So meaningful.
Who is..
"The Person I Hate The Most In My Whole Life".
Thanks my buddies..
Im okay.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Mo jie zuo
I really dont like this fong mian. =(

But his songs was super duper nice!!!
The song that i like the most -- shuo hao de xing fu ne(very strawbery bluebery nice!!)
*long zhan qi shi
*gei wo yi shou ge de shi jian(nice!)
*she wu(yenggg)
*hua hai(nice!)
*mo shu xian sheng(this really scare me..but cute..)
*shuo hao de xing fu ne(nice nice!!thumb's up!)
*lan hua xu(nice!)
*liu lang shi ren(i dont really is a hokkien song.)
*shi guang ji
*qiao ke shu shu(this really scary..the joker laugh like mad.)
*dao xiang(nice!)
p.s:im only like his song ar...
im not admiring him har...
or siao him har...
Friday, October 24, 2008
Is today.
Everythings happened just too fast.
Form 5 ganna leave us.
Our journey will still continue.
But just without Form 5.
Can we make it?
Still is a question mark.
Today was really high!!
I love Sam dixie soo soo much..
I like Chabo soo soo much..
She's amazing!!
Thanks Jesmine - the candies.
Thanks Chabo - the sticker.
Thanks my sun(grandchild) - the chocolate and pink colour bear.
Are you okay d?
You say it before..
Please dont try to hide your feelings in front of me..
Say it out...
Just treat me as rubbish bin...
I cant help.
What i can do is just watch you cry.
But do nothing.
Sorry for cant help.
Sorry for dont know what should do.
Dont sad lar..
And dont simpan all your feelings in front of me..
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Think Of You.
When nothing seems to matter
When I lose my hope
When I'm sad and confused
When it all gets turned around and 'round
I can't seem to reach for solid ground
When everything I've believed in seems untrue
All I have to do
Is think of you
I think of you and it's gone
Like you chase away the storm
Making it all okay
I think of you
I think of you and I'm strong
And I know I can go on
It's like you set me free
When life gets the best of me
I just think of you
Now I know what love means
And whatever life may hold for me
Through the fire
Through the rain I believe
Cause there's nothing I can't bear
Knowing that you will be there
If I fall I won't break
Through it all I'll make it through
Cause all I have to do
And when I think I'm all alone
I can't see the way to go
Lost in the rain of my own tears
To wash away the pain and fear
For the good times and the bad times
I just think of you
Cause you know you get the best of meI
just think of you
My legs was pain.
I want faint.
I need water!!
Someone please help!!
We start at 8 something.
Walk to Onestop.
Go the yindu pasar with Rapid.
My first time go with Rapid!excited*
But..there got nothing that we need.
Then go Starbuck.
Sat for a while.
p.s:the managers girlfriend was pcghs's student!!
i suspect was school band's!
coz we din say anything..
but he ask us what are you all play?
we din say anything since we go in..
Then walk to Sim aik.
Buy sock and singlet.
The tauke really GOOD lo..
Kept asking us..
You want this 1 ar..good lo..
That 1 leh?want also lar...quality very good wan..
Aiyo..where got soo many money wor..
Then buy all the singlet.
But din have enough sock.
Wait the tauke make call.
Aiyo..she say will delivered to school.
We were..HUH?!school?! siao ar!?
Then the tauke say..
I know Chai leng..
Then we like..who lai?
She say..Hu chaileng ar..
Ng Chooi Leng!
We just..oo..
And sweating...
Then think..
We will kill by her..
And she is our Pcghs's student!
Same year with Ng Chooi Leng..
Go prangin.
After that go pasar.
Then Gama.
Then Pulau Tikus.
Then back to Penang Road.
Then Kamdar.
Then back to Onestop..
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Bye Bye
This is for my peoples
Who just lost somebody
Your best friend, your baby
Your man or your lady
Put your hand way up high
We will never say bye
No, no, no
Mamas, daddys, sisters, brothers
Friends and cousins
This is for my peoples
Who lost their grandmothers
Lift your head to the sky
Cause we will never say bye
As a child there were them times
I didn't get it
But you kept me in line
I didn't know why
You didn't show up sometimes
On Sunday mornings and I missed you
But I'm glad we talked through
All them grown folk things
Separation brings
You never let me know it
You never let it show
Because you loved me and obviously
There's so much more left to say
If you were with me today
Face to face
I never knew I could hurt like this
And everyday life goes on I wish
I could talk to you for a while
Miss you but I try not to cry
As time goes by
And it's true that you've
Reached a better place
Still I'd give the world to see your face
And be right here next to you
But it's like you're gone too soon
Now the hardest thing to do is say
Bye byeBye bye, bye bye, bye bye
Bye bye, bye bye, bye bye
Bye bye, bye bye, bye bye
Bye bye
You never got a chance to see
How good I've done
And you never got to
See me back at number one
I wish that you were here
To celebrate together
I wish that we could
Spend the holidays together
I remember when you used to
Tuck me in at night
With the teddy bear you gave me
That I held so tight
I thought you were so strong
You'd make it through whatever
It's so hard to accept the fact
You're gone forever
I never knew I could hurt like this
And everyday life goes on I wish
I could talk to you for a while
Miss you but I try not to cry
As time goes by
And it's true that you've
Reached a better place
Still I'd give the world to see your face
And be right here next to you
But it's like you're gone too soon
Now the hardest thing to do is say
Bye bye
Bye bye, bye bye, bye bye
Bye bye, bye bye, bye bye
Bye bye, bye bye, bye bye
Bye bye
This is for my peoples
Who just lost somebody
Your best friend, your baby
Your man or your lady
Put your hand way up high
We will never say bye
Mamas, daddys, sisters, brothers
Friends and cousins
This is for my peoples
Who lost their grandmothers
Lift your head to the sky
Cause we will never say bye, bye.
I never knew I could hurt like this
And everyday life goes on I wish
I could talk to you for a while
Miss you but I try not to cry
As time goes by
And it's true that you've
Reached a better place
Still I'd give the world to see your face
And be right here next to you
But it's like you're gone too soon
Now the hardest thing to do is say
Bye bye
Bye bye, bye bye, bye bye
Bye bye, bye bye, bye bye
Bye bye, bye bye, bye bye
Bye bye
I am not really rapat with you..
We Love You!! Zhermin!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Always Be My Baby..
For a moment in time
And it seemed everlasting
That you would always be mine
Now you want to be free
So I'll let you fly'
Cause I known in my heart, babe
Our love will never die, no
You'll always be a part of me
I'am part of you indefinitely
Boy,don't you know you can't escape me
Ooh darling, 'cause you'll always be my baby
And we'll linger on
Time can't erase a feeling this strong
No way you're never gonna shake me
Ooh darling, 'cause you'll always be my baby
I ain't gonna cry, no
And I won't beg you to stay
If you're determined to leave boy
I will not stand in your way
But inevitably, you'll be back again'
Cause you know in your heart, babe
Our love will never end, no
I know that you'll be back, boy
When your days and your night get a little bit colder
I know that you'll be right back, baby
Oh baby believe me
It's only a matter of time
Monday, October 13, 2008
For their PMR..
Gambateh! =p
I am now hardworking-ing..
I hate History.
And Geo.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
Sorry lar...i dont really wish you seriously..
Then you din come for practice also..
Yuntyn!!i want my pampasan!
My leg really painful lar..
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Tha Girl..
She just thirteen.
She passed away.
They said is about 1am.
She bao xue guan.
After that she dihantar ke hospital.
Then coma.
After that..
She passed away.
This is what i heard from my friend.
What a pity girl.
She should has her masa depan.
She should has time to do what she want before leaving.
But she just thirteen.
She done nothing.
She cant fight with her faith.
Even she was not willing to leave..
She let go.
This nine word suddenly appear in my mind.
You wont ever know when she will leave.
Non stop.
Shared umbrella with Xiaopu.
But end with basah kuyup.
Then went up bus start water war.
Jiawen, Khaixin, Qiyi,Qianwen and me..
Five of us use the water to simbah each other.
For your information..
KHAIXIN start first!
She simbah me water..
Then Jiawen.
I am lack of water..
Then minta water..
So..start our war.
I accidently simbah ke arah bus driver!
Then i use my file to hit Jiawen.
She was berdarah!
Sorry lar..
Then five of us and Qiuyue..
We plan to wear slipper to school..
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Oh my god !
Chinese test til yu bei ban mia ming ju!!!
Oh my god. faint*
How can i finish it?
This time die lar..
Some more History..
Til Bab 8!
Then Geografi..
Im ganna cry til no tears..
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
"Because when i talk with her.."
"It remind me my painful memories."
I was hurt.
Totally hurt.
Im confusing.
Im miserable.
Heart broken.
What had i done to you?
The most hurt is..
You told Jiawen.
Then she told me.
If no..i will be totally stupid right?
I dont know why..
I was like..huh?
What am i done?
You dont want talk to me.
You ignore me.
But what the reason is?
I treat you as my friend.
I really do.
You are the only band girl in my bus.
We shared and discussed things that happen in band.
But now?
I cant found a best way to face you.
Monday, October 6, 2008
I Like This Song..
在你怀里 舍不得放弃
我使劲全力 不想闭上眼睛
这次告别就不能再相遇 不能再陪你
先走了 去了好远的地方
等不到天亮所有回忆抹去 却并不容易
生死由天决定 不要太伤心
在我最后一次 闭上眼睛之前
在你怀里 舍不得放弃
我使劲全力 不想闭上眼睛
这次告别就不能再相遇 不能再陪你
I like this song.
A girl..
She kill herself after write this song.
But it is true?
I have no idea.
Appreciate the person beside you..
If no you ganna regret when she left.
What had i done in this five days?
I am not raya-ing right?
I am done nothing!
Still slow in study.
Mr Sejarah..
I hate you!
School will be reopen today. =)
Sunday, October 5, 2008
还达不到 你的要求
只是怀念 你走以後
离开 难道真的是解脱
难道 真的要事过境迁了以後才懂
倔强说不痛 假装什么伤都没有
倔强抬起头 决不让眼泪往下流
倔强说不痛 假装什么伤都没有
真的不难过 笑着和你挥挥手
如果有一天 我们有缘再见
你会不会想起 说过的永远
You all are welcome.
So,from now on i will be using this blog..
2 reason for me to berpindah:
1. Dont you think that my address too long?
2. My blog cant write chinese words!!!
Apa lar..