Word of the day: feeling.
||Feeling take over everything,controlled everything.||
HELLO to my rotted's blog, and here come ME to make it alive. xD
Have announce the first thing, MY PHONE SPOILED. T^T
*HUUHUUU* It spoiled over and over again.
Then i havta say goodbye to my money over and over again.
Bad cycle, indeed.
GOODBYE to my form four life.
Bid farewell for my bittersweet memories.
Life's short, time's flies.
Learnt a lot, lost a lot.
Earned a lot, grew up a lot.
I was always looking back, to see if any memories or any chances to stop me from stepping forward.
I lived in past, its always like that,never want to moving on, never want to grow up.
I was always holding back,always and always.
I admit, i wasnt as strong as i thought.
Things werent flew in the way i thought, never.
This year, i learnt how to remove myself from things that i dislike.
I learnt to moving on, knowing that things changed, human changed.
Theres no such things as eternal.
Its always have to be like that, reality is what we shading ourselves from.
I learnt to be independent.
Its something good, i realised.
I fully understand that, no ones will be forever stayed, time as a matter of fact.
THANKS to somes of my friends.
Thats not FRIENDS, they are more than this seven words.
For who helped me when im so sad, when im crying like hell.
For who shared my happiness, watching me bounced like a kid then smiled and ask me: '
HEY CHABO, HOW OLD ARE YOU ALREADY HUH.'For who shared my nervousness, keep telling me that everything will be okay.
For who listened my craps,chat in the midnight for quite a couple of hours.
For who scolding me when i dont take a good care of myself.
For who cares me as i cares for them.
For those, my buddy.
LAME to those unhappy things that happened in this year.
Indeed, lame.
No point to bring it up, HAHA.
YOO to Kpop.
Uh huh uh huh, im madly sinking into kpop world. =D
But still, artist that i likey the most still Yesung and Jaejoong.
Thanks to their good vocal because this is one of the reason i like theem heeee.
And this is one of the reason too, i get closer with one of my friend, who used to be in the same class with me form two but we dont talk.
Thanks to Kpop we talked and discussed and then we get closer! xD
PLAY to life.
Yeah, thats right, PLAY.
Never get so serious in life.
Never get so tired in life.
Life's a game, winning losing never effects anything because we are still alive after that.
Life's a medley, happy upset angry nervious is one of the pieces.
Life's a play, just like King Macbeth said.
Life is just life.