Word of the day: Swag.
||Swaggerr! xD||
Not much to say, but just to share a song that i was listening lately.
It is a song named 'Dont act foolish' by a new artist ALi.
Haha, dont get me wrong, ALi is a 'she' but not a 'he'.
ALi is a korean but not a malay.
The song goes like this,
'Even when your heart hurts, don't cry.
Even when you want to die, don't die.
If they want to leave, let them go.
If you want to hold to them, don't.'This song is coincide with my thinking, of not pushing things too hard.
Of course, people may think that it is a coward's action but it is opposite to me.
I strongly believe that life is about give and take.
You may gain as well as lose,
People may leave as well as come into your life.
There is a limit though, a time limit.
When the time comes, no matter how hard you try you have to let go.
WHY? just because that is not yours anymore.
Feeling is the hardest thing to control and of course human can't do that.
Let go is a wiser choice. =]
Don't ever think to commit suicide, there are still several ways to tell the person what they did were just so wrong.
'Farewell are like this, at first it really, really hurts.
the sky is falling and everything else crashes, its all chaos.
At time, you cant sleep because you are mad.'Indeed, farewell are heart broking.
At the same time, it just simply means the person is important, so so so much important than you can ever imagine.
AHH. its hard to let go sometimes, but still it is not that hard if you really get over it.
Well, just a piece of crap though.
Here is it,
'Don't Act Foolish' by ALi and Yong Junhyung.