Saturday, November 21, 2009

Word of the day: cherish.
||Speak of life.||

Although that is so much unpleasant memories when it come to year end,
But it do really give me so much fun.
Speak of unpleasant memories, my last day wasn't touchy at all.
We're all angry i guess.
Our new Moral teacher dumped our test paper to the recycle bin before we can have a look.
*Maybe she did lied?*
Gah, what is this frigging malay teacher doing in this earth?
And she didn't want to change our marks that she marked it wrong.
She say she did passed the marks up and no argument that we can make.
So, im dead.
Lastly, hope SHINWEN will still continue her studies here.

Well, something strange happened.
Oh well, i feel dizzy and...WHITEOUT?
Aha, well i did really feel so after two rounds at field.LOL


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